
EIT Hub Israel boosting  innovation ecosystems

EIT Hub Israel boosting  innovation ecosystems

By: Beatriz Camacho Avila


The State of Israel formally associated with Horizon Europe to foster ground-breaking innovation. The programme offers significant scientific and economic benefits to both Europe and Israel, and holds immense potential for learning, exchange and collaboration. An example of such exchange is the Ecosystem Summit organised by the EIT Hub in Israel, launched as part of the 2019 EIT Global Outreach Programme. The conference has become a must-attend event to discuss the latest global trends and challenges in the ecosystem world. 

A win-win exchange: cooperation between the EU and Israel 

On December 6 2021, the agreement on Israel’s association with Horizon Europe, the world’s largest research and innovation programme with a total budget of €95.5 billion, came into force after being signed by Mariya Gabriel, EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth and Haim Regev, Israel’s Ambassador to the EU and NATO.

Over the past 25 years, cooperation between the EU and Israel has been consistently evolving, bringing many benefits along the way. Israel’s innovation processes are very agile, with a “fire-fighting” approach that deals mainly with short-term timelines. And they have proven that this works: Israel has the largest number of start-ups per capita in the world (about one per 1,400 inhabitants) and ranks first in the world in R&D spending as a percentage of GDP.

“One of the key ingredients of Israel’s innovation ecosystem is deeply embedded in the country’s daily reality. It lies in the sense of urgency and constraints to survive and innovate today for a better tomorrow. With the example of Israel in mind, it is exciting to see the potential when start-ups unite around a common mission. For Europe and beyond, this can be the driver that enables companies to excel and deliver truly unique and innovative solutions rapidly.” – Said Bram Pauwels, Strategic Partnership Manager at European Business and Innovation Centre Network.

On the other hand, Europe has a long-term approach to certain societal issues. This allows European countries to be proactive rather than reactive. While the action takes longer, decisions are made in a structured, evidence-based way. From the perspective of this continuum, Europe and Israel are clearly complementary. “We represent two extremes, and knowing that the best combination tends to be in the middle, our alliance ensures that we both move forward and reinforce the best on each side.” – Said Michal Seror, Ecosystem Development Director at Start-Up Nation Central.

Europe’s goal of becoming the first carbon-neutral continent and leading the global green transition might inspire and gently push Israel’s high-tech sector to address the climate emergency. Although there are exciting initiatives in Israel such as the Climate Solutions Prize (a $1m prize for innovative responses to the climate crisis sponsored by KKL-JNF in collaboration with Start-Up Nation Central and the Peres Centre for Peace and Innovation), a holistic strategy by the so-called ‘Start-up Nation’ to solve the climate crisis could make a global difference.

The Ecosystem Summit: Building the European-Israeli innovation community

A successful example of EU-Israel collaboration is the aforementioned EIT Hub Israel, launched as part of the 2019 EIT Global Outreach Programme. The EIT Innovation Communities involved are EIT Health (lead), EIT FoodEIT Climate-KICEIT Urban MobilityEIT RawMaterials and EIT Digital as observers. The Hub supports European innovators in attracting Israeli customers, partners and investors and has developed powerful programmes targeting specific audiences, such as Disrupt me (European companies looking to introduce Israeli innovation) or Mission Innovation (an immersion bootcamp for European diplomats), and Connect & Experience (professional training for ecosystem leaders) which facilitates The Ecosystem Summit, the annual conference to celebrate, consolidate and expand the European-Israeli innovation community.

The first Ecosystem Summit took place in 2019 and is held annually. This year’s edition set a new record with 140 participants, 20 top speakers, 6 panels, 3 breakout rooms and 19 ecosystem managers from 12 European countries (Belgium, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Czech Republic, Italy and Sweden). Following the strictest COVID-19 security measures, the 2021 edition was an in-person event that allowed face-to-face professional exchange during the panels, breakout rooms and the main networking event.

“Through the networking part of the Summit, I got to see the variety of roles, people and organisations that take part in building this thriving ecosystem and how they are connected. The Israeli ecosystem has succeeded in seizing the moment and truly coming together to work towards a common goal, selflessly, for the benefit of the whole nation.” – Commented Susanah Aalto, Project Manager Ecosystems of Growth, City of Vantaa, who attended the event.

Main takeaways from the Ecosystem Summit sessions 

The event enabled increased collaboration and exchange between ecosystem managers, innovators and entrepreneurs, resulting in the identification of key takeaways to further advance partnerships and impact, including:

  • Ecosystems as Start-up Support Systems: “In an uncertain, fast-paced economy, we need to move from hierarchical structures to more flexible, community-based workspaces where it is easier to unleash the full potential and talent of teams.” – Thanks to the experience of Captain Ranit Elkayam, co-founder and Head of the Community Department in the Israel Defence Forces, it was emphasised that even traditionally hierarchical organisations are building communities to retain talented employees and break down silos to enable disruptive innovation.
  • The Dark Side of Ideation: In an enriching conversation that captivated the Summit audience, Dr. Amnon Dekel, the Executive Director of ASPER-HUJI Innovate, spoke about the inherent human capacity of ideation and how the Israeli ecosystem (e.g. the delicate balance between competition and collaboration; the entrepreneurial mindset fostered by military service; the acceptance of failure as a learning opportunity) puts this natural capacity in a context where it can flourish.
  • The New Era of Acceleration: What struck the audience was that the most significant element for a start-up, in the long run, is the cohort. This was one of the insights of Dr. Gil Avnimelech, an academic expert in the fields of venture capital and entrepreneurship at Ono Academic College, from his ongoing research on start-up accelerators, a key element in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. In a COVID-19 world, start-up accelerators need to move to a hybrid system. Online facilities have clear benefits (e.g., more flexibility, better access to international talent and expertise, etc.), but in-person settings are still critical for comprehensive peer-to-peer learning, mentorship, and a strong, integrated cohort.
  • Attracting Funds for your Ecosystem: One of the main topics was how to attract funds for your ecosystem, and the chicken and egg issue: how to attract funds when your ecosystem is not yet mature. The audience learned from Israel about the power of bringing visionary investors into the ecosystem and the importance of keeping them engaged, and the benefits of having the ecosystem represented in global rankings. The main takeaways from Greece are the successful combination of public-private funding to develop the ecosystem and solve problems like losing the most talented entrepreneurs because they are attracted to better opportunities and working conditions in other countries.


To learn more about EIT Hub Israel’s programmes and in particular ‘Connect & Experience’, follow the Hub on Linkedin, subscribe to the newsletter here, or contact Adina Be’er at [email protected] with any questions.

*Photo: Niv Mayo

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Full access to the community network

Connect & Experience offers more than training. The C&E community network is an active EU online and offline community offering easy access to opportunities, curated content, matchmaking, soft landing services, and support. The community provides a space for community builders from Europe and Horizon Europe associated countries to interact, share best practices, and collaborate to enhance your startup community.

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Access to Healthcare

The Health not The Death is a fundamental human right. A healthy population is not to be seen as human and social capital, an input, or by-product, towards economic growth. Alongside a healthy and sustainable environment, a solidarity, a healthy population must be the ultimate goal especially nowadays in helping Ukrainian migrants with cancer and their families.

Solidarity in health is a cornerstone of EU health policy. There are wide disparities in many health outcomes across the region and those outcomes. The access rules dramatically affect healthcare systems which are at the forefront of the migrant way, the people who are searching for help and the way how we could enhance and support their healthier and wellbeing status.

In order to ensure their access to care and continued cure in need, the probability of receiving a timely diagnosis and of surviving differs greatly from country to country where they are now. There is lack of information, help and inequalities in access. People need help in navigating cancer knowledge, diagnostics, secondary monitoring and prevention, way of treatments, and care.

Shifting our mindset, supporting healthcare connectivity, removing inequalities overall across Europe is our mission and even more now in a time of crisis, helping the Ukrainian people dealing with cancer is a good place to begin this transformative revolution.

1) Whether we have a chance to foster more holistic and integrated approaches to receive information and care, by supporting coordination and maximising an enabling and health-enhancing effect of care across services from different countries?

2) Whether actions should address the social determinants of health, the countries where they are now, the health need which they have, the social and language barriers are the conditions which have to be taken into consideration in a coordinated manner?

How might we improve patients and /or people who seek healthcare support, access to healthcare services at an EU & the Member States Healthcare systems level? Especially in a time of crisis in Europe.

How might we support refugees fleeing from their countries by navigating them to medical centres to receive best available care?  


Predictive Treatment

Precision medicine aims to personalise care for every individual. Nongenomic and genomic determinants, combined with information from patient symptoms, clinical history, and lifestyle (nutrition, physical activity, stress etc.), can facilitate personalised diagnosis and prognostics. Yet this goal requires access to massive amounts of data which may come from different structured and unstructured sources; these can be our medical records, laboratory testing, a range of medical devices as well as from the patient himself. AI & ML can combine input from these multiple sources, analyse them and identify biomarkers that can support health professionals make more informed decisions. The convergence of precision medicine with the advanced AI capabilities will improve the ability to personalise care – improve diagnosis, risk prediction as well as therapy planning.  

HCPs want to better predict treatment response, given uncertainty around which treatment to prescribe to which patient and when to prescribe. How do we risk assess the patients, match them with the right treatment (personalised). How can we transform the wealth of data and link it to the predictive nature of how the patient will respond?


Patient Journey Navigation

Being diagnosed with cancer is overwhelming and comes as a blow. Patients may feel on a roller coaster of emotions—they are scared, lost & confused not knowing what to expect, who to refer to, what to do and how to tell their loved ones.  They directly refer to “Dr. Google” to look for information about their disease, possible treatments, QoL strategies with the aim to have better understanding of their disease and learn how to better cope with their disease & treatment, yet information is not always valid, accessible, nor personalised or tailored to the patient’s status and needs therefore left with huge amounts of non-relevant information. Coming to the doctor, the physician’s time is limited and mostly focusing on the physical aspects of the disease & treatment, not leaving much time to ask questions nor discuss more holistic aspects of the disease such as emotional, psychological, social aspects. The patient (& caregiver in many cases) leaves the room with unanswered questions, doesn’t remember much of what has been said, and feels he is not heard, nor seen as a whole.

The need for navigating this journey along the emotional psychological stress is overwhelming & patients and their caregivers look for support (case manager/companion/partner) to help manage their disease holistically – starting from having clarity around their disease and treatment by having access to reliable and personalised information during their journey as well as having an integrated holistic care system , supporting them and their loved ones to navigate through the different aspects of their disease – medical, emotional, logistical, psychological, social, rights.

How can we support patients to navigate through the complexity of their disease and treatment ensuring they have validated holistic information about their disease journey & treatment and be empowered to  effectively manage their care 


Peer-to-Peer Medical Exchange

As medical events pivoted from conference centres and meeting rooms to the virtual settings, learning opportunities continue. Lectures and presentations are translated to the new digital world, yet the ability to connect and network is relatively lost. Peer interaction is essential not only for information exchange but to share practical insights, allows consultation & in-person experience cross country and across borders leading to better disease management.

This peer-based learning/ consultation is highly valued amongst practising clinicians and was generally achieved when HCPs and KOLs met their peers in national & Intl conferences, group debates, advisory boards and even during quick corridor conversations. Attempting to replicate these in-person experiences into the digital space creates challenges and are not effective nor impactful as face-to-face engagements. 

How might we improve HCP medical exchange enabling physicians to easily communicate, consult, exchange opinions leveraging individual experts & centres of excellence knowledge, experiences, and practices?

How can we leverage the technological expertise to allow HCPs to connect with leading experts across countries to get advice / counselling for their cases?


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