Unlocking New Horizons: The Impact of Horizon Europe’s Expansion

The recent expansion and geographical growth of Horizon Europe’s international cooperation marks a significant shift in the EU’s approach to research and innovation collaboration, and opens up exciting possibilities for the EIT Global Outreach.
Press Release: Launch of EIT Hub UK

EIT Global Outreach is proud to share the official notice of the European Commission regarding the launch of its new Hub in the UK.
Deep Dive into the East Coast of the US Tech Ecosystem: A Report for European Collaboration and Growth

Navigating Global Teams in Today’s Dynamic Work Space

Here at EIT Global Outreach we have the privilege to work with team members literally from across the globe on daily basis, and we are here to share with you the main challenges that we have identified, and the basic do’s and don’ts to turn global teams into a strategic advantage and propel you to international success.
2023-24 Innovation Trends & Forecasts

May 2022, Y Combinator Advises Founders to ‘Plan for the Worst’. The leading worldwide startup accelerator recently provided founders with valuable guidance to navigate unprecedented trends in order to ensure the survival of their companies.
Delegation from EU Parliament IMCO Committee hosted at EIT Hub Israel

The Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) deals with EU legislation in the categories of free movement of goods and services, customs and consumer protection. EU Parliament officials, including vice presidents, met with us and other leading organizations to explore Israel’s regulatory environment and digital sector.
EIT Global Outreach brand book

EIT Global Outreach: download the brochure

EIT Global Outreach December 2022 newsletter

EIT Global Outreach is pleased to share with you an update on our latest activities, opportunities and news.
EIT Global Outreach Newsletter October 2022

EIT Global Outreach is pleased to share with you an update on our latest activities, opportunities and news.
The Health not The Death is a fundamental human right. A healthy population is not to be seen as human and social capital, an input, or by-product, towards economic growth. Alongside a healthy and sustainable environment, a solidarity, a healthy population must be the ultimate goal especially nowadays in helping Ukrainian migrants with cancer and their families.
Solidarity in health is a cornerstone of EU health policy. There are wide disparities in many health outcomes across the region and those outcomes. The access rules dramatically affect healthcare systems which are at the forefront of the migrant way, the people who are searching for help and the way how we could enhance and support their healthier and wellbeing status.
In order to ensure their access to care and continued cure in need, the probability of receiving a timely diagnosis and of surviving differs greatly from country to country where they are now. There is lack of information, help and inequalities in access. People need help in navigating cancer knowledge, diagnostics, secondary monitoring and prevention, way of treatments, and care.
Shifting our mindset, supporting healthcare connectivity, removing inequalities overall across Europe is our mission and even more now in a time of crisis, helping the Ukrainian people dealing with cancer is a good place to begin this transformative revolution.
1) Whether we have a chance to foster more holistic and integrated approaches to receive information and care, by supporting coordination and maximising an enabling and health-enhancing effect of care across services from different countries?
2) Whether actions should address the social determinants of health, the countries where they are now, the health need which they have, the social and language barriers are the conditions which have to be taken into consideration in a coordinated manner?
How might we improve patients and /or people who seek healthcare support, access to healthcare services at an EU & the Member States Healthcare systems level? Especially in a time of crisis in Europe.
How might we support refugees fleeing from their countries by navigating them to medical centres to receive best available care?